Cloud Security Training Series #CloudSecurity

Ashish Rajan
2 min readJan 3, 2019


Yes, the wait is finally over. I am starting a Free Cloud Security Training series Whoop Whoop!

Over the past few years, Apart from mentoring the most asked thing from me has been to train others in art of cloud security. Honestly I have been pushing it all this while. No excuses but working on organising a conference and workshops for DevSecOps definitely felt like a second full time job. Things have settled down a bit on that front and I finally have the time to start a cloud security series.

Best part of starting a series is that I can run it the way I want. :)

Some may ask why cloud security? I have been in the space for a few years now and I am yet to come across any material specifically targeting this topic. Also, Garnter reckons by 2020 cloud will affect 1 trillon dollar in IT spending. If that’s not convincing enough, have a look at this page for the current list of Cloud service providers. This list had 1 or 2 providers only a few years ago now there are hundreds.

Ground rules that I am following for this series:

  • This should be free for anyone to access
  • There will be related video for articles on each topic covered in the tutorial
  • Post one topic article and related video(if applicable) each week till the end of the series. (Follow my medium page and subscribe to my youtube channel to be updated on the release of training videos)
  • Security training is usually very boring, no offence, for folks who are not in security. I want this to be entertaining to help my non-security friends. To help me with this I have a mascot “Megabot” aka Charlie, image below. :)
  • The series will be in 1XX,2XX,3XX,… etc format where X are the serial number and 1,2,3,… are the level of complexity being discussed with 1 being the least complex and 3 or more being more complex.

The series will be available on youtube under “#cloudsecurity”.

The whole series will run in multiple parts and focus on one cloud platform at a time. The first series will be on Amazon Web Services .

Amazon Web Services or AWS at the time of writing this article is the monster with the biggest public cloud service provider market share. Microsoft and Google are starting to show traction but have a plenty of ground to cover. However, I don’t judge so I will be covering them in some way or form later on.

I am looking forward to sharing the series with you all and without further delay say hello to our training mascot — Charlie.




Ashish Rajan
Ashish Rajan

Written by Ashish Rajan

Security expert with a goal to make security an enabler instead of a blocker in the exciting world of cloud and machine learning.

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